Amazing Race 10- Week 9- 11.12.06
The first thing in this episode that kills me, is the B Queens saying “Finland? Isn’t that where they have wooden shoes?” Holy brain surgeons, Batman! If this whole hour is like this, we have a winner on our hands.
The flight arrangements are a little bizarre this time around. They all get tickets provided but they can finagle something else at the airport. Ummm, okay? Whatever. They get to the airport and all decide to follow the B Queens who’ve managed to get a flight to Johannesburg, to Frankfurt, to Ethopia then on to Helsinki. Talk about direct route..haha.
The Bama’s are pissed that the B Queens are cute..saying that they have a disadvantage because of their looks…haha, dur.
They land in Helsinki and have to race for a cafe where they will read an email for a clue. In their emails they all had messages from their families who told them they must get their next clue from the owner of the cafe Kapelli, where they are. Everyone is quite pleased to hear and see their families but the Bama’s, they are bawling because they miss their kids. In that clue they are told that they must travel over 125 miles by train and taxi to the school named, Soppeenhardjun Koulu. Wow, at least Phil can say it. They had to search the grounds of the school to find their next clue. They all scrounge cabs to make it to the school but the Chos, who are too polite, end up losing out on a cab and make it dead last to the school. And the Cho Quote of the night.. “Being polite sucks sometimes”…Hence the name of the episode.
At the school, they all get the detour. Swamp This- Where they strap on Cross Country skis and have to ‘ski’ over a one mile course of mud. Or Swamp That – Where they have to go through an obstacle course in the mud, they have to jump, crawl and carry each other. The B Queens and Bama’s take the skiing and everyone else takes the obstacle course. It’s quite brilliant to see them all covered in mud.
They then head to Turku by train 140 miles, then they drive themselves 70 miles to Lohja. Once there, they go into a limestone mine to get their next clue. The Addicts and the B Queens get on the first train to Turku and the other teams get on later trains. The Addicts gets to the mine first, B Queens second. They have to travel in the mine to get to the roadblock, which is them, on a bike, going one mile underground to a marked stand. They have to retrieve a chunk of limestone, bring it back up, then use special tools to break it up and get the clue inside. Once they do, they head to the Olympic Stadium in Helsinki for the pitstop.
The Addicts and B Queens make it out of the mine first, and are on their way to the stadium. But the Addicts are wandering around inside the stadium and they walked right by the door they should have gone into and it had a flag on it. I love it. They finally get in there and find another box where they have to make it up to the top of the tower and rappel down, face first.
Then we find out….it’s a continuation show! ARGH! So, this leg of the race isn’t over……
So, until next week…..