Amazing Race 10- Week 12- 12.3.06
In this leg of the race, the B Queens have to save themselves by making it to the pitstop first or incur the 30 minute penalty.
The teams make their way to Casablanca via the road to Marrakesh- 275 miles. The roads are crawling with goats, twist and turns and very few guardrails. The make their way to the Courtier de Habus, Tyler and James make it first. The B Queens get their second, somehow! Rob and Kimberly make it third and the Bamas last.
The first roadblock is to eat 1 pound of camel meat that they have to prepare according to a Morroccan recipe. Of course, Tyler is chowing like there is no tomorrow he finishes first and they are on their way to Barcelona. If they don’t get lost, of course.
Rob and Kimberly are walking all over hells creation and can’t find anything. He’s walking around all huffy saying..”Dude, I don’t know where it is .” and “I can’t find it , Dude”. Lyn and Karlyn are walking around with them equally as confused. Finally he stumbles upon the clue box. And of course, Kim has to do the eating. Lyn is doing the eating, and Karlyn is sitting there just talking trash to her the entire time! If I was Lyn, I’d punch her in the face. Kim finally chokes down the last piece and they get the clue, they are last. But, I still that they are going to outdo the B Queens. That 30 minute penalty is going to bite them, I really think.
At the airport, the B Queens are totally trying to get shiesty with the Addicts. “Oh wouldn’t you rather have USSSSS in the top 3 than Rob and Kimberly???” Umm, no heifers. Again, they are all on the same flight to Barcelona, so all this racing stuff is pretty useless at the first half of the leg. Once in Barcelona, they get taxis to Parc de Laberint d’Horta – a gorgeous garden maze- where they have to find their first clue. They make it and of course, it’s closed so they wait around until 10am. The blondes whore their way to getting a taxi by flirting with the construction workers that are outside the gates. They tell them to tell the taxi driver to only take the 2 blondes. Shiesty McShiester. Totally. So, Rob tells Kim to go and do it, and ‘use her sexuality’ to get them a cab! She’s nice and gets 2, one for them and one for the Addicts. Finally the maze gates open and they all flood in. The Addicts make it to the clue box first and it’s the first Detour. 2nd are Rob and Kim, 3rd are the B Queens and last to the clue box are the Bamas. Hopefully that won’t last long.
Lug it or Lob it. In Lug It, the teams take taxis then travel by foot to the Maremagnum Bridge where they put on costumes, that are 9.5 feet tall in honor of the Festival of the Giants. They have to walk about a mile through the streets to find one particular giant at Carrer de Sant Felip Neri to get their next clue. In Lob It, teams go by taxi 9 miles to a town square where they will take part in a tomato throwing task in honor of the Tomatina Festival. They have to defend themselves while they hunt for one that contains their next clue.
The Bamas and the Addicts can’t catch a taxi outside the maze so they are running up the street chasing them down. So much for Kimberly calling for 2 cabs! They finally get cabs and head over the the Detours. The B Queens and the Addicts do the Giants, but the Bamas and Rob and Kim do the tomatoes. As they start pitching tomatoes, Kim starts getting pissed and wow is she fun to watch while she’s mad. She’s getting beaned in the face by tomatoes and Rob is pissed. He’s all “ you just blew it…you just threw in the towel because you got hit with a couple tomatoes” Haha, let HIM get slammed in the face and see then how he likes it! Way to be supportive, Rob! Finally he calms her to go back and finish and they find the clue in what looks like minutes. Which makes them first so far. They have to travel by taxi to the next pitstop. I haven’t even seen the Bamas make it to the tomatoes yet!
The B Queens are still wandering around in giant suits sweating while they look for the female giant. When the Bamas get to the tomatoes they too are getting pelted. The Addicts finally make it to the giants and they catch up with the B Queens so quickly. The Bamas make it to the clue pretty fast and they apologize to each other and it’s all cute, warm and fuzzy. They are 2nd so far, the B Queens 3rd and the Addicts last. With these teams being so close, it’s likely that the B Queens will have that 30 minute wait.
The pitstop for this leg of the race is Palau Nacional de Mont Juic, which is now holds the National Art for Catalona. After Rob and Kim glide in, it’s a foot race between the other 3 teams. They are all sprinting and it’s hysterical!
At the pitstop-
1st- Rob and Kim, much to their shock! There is some tears and hugging between those two. Rob is so happy, that he’s gushing. He wants to marry her, and start a family with that million. Damn it, now I like that jerk!
2nd- Lyn and Karlyn- High five. And they are the first all female team to make it to the final 3. I bet their kids are thrilled at that one!
3rd- The Addicts. Thank goodness….so that means the B Queens are toasted! WOOHOO!
The Blonde Beauty Queens are heading their skanky asses home! I love their goodbye clip..all the tears… boohoo, hell, they all hated them because they were just bitches the whole time!
The next episode-the final leg of the race is going to be a nail biter the whole time. The previews that they showed look great! Sky diving, running, taxi chasing and plane problems….all recipes for someone’s disaster. I’ll be there watching as anxious as these teams and I’ll keep ya posted. ‘Til next week…