Deadstar Assembly
Pure Records
If you sound like all the other metal bands working today, you better focus on your look. I give these guys excellent style points. Each member has carefully styled hair over one eye, multi-colored yet tastefully matched eye make-up, and darling, darling names like “cygnus” (drums), “mubo” (synthesizer), and my favorite, “dreggs” (crunchy guitar and digital anarchy). They also have an impressive list of sponsors, including several guitar companies and Jagermeister. These boys rock, but so does their business manager.
OK, this is a record review, so what’s up beyond the pentacles and pancake? I won’t claim any expertise in death metal music, but thery’re not just a wall of noise. The vocals of “dearborn” (no capitals, please…) are deep and strong, a necessity to compete with the multiple guitar sounds and sub-sonic tremors courtesy of “the dro.” While they keep their entire bandwidth compressed at all times, you can hear melody and it changes form song to song. The lyrics are there as you need them, but it’s stock suicide and cockiness stuff. I actually like these guys, they make the most of their resources, and any band with four official websites and three more in the background is a force to be reckoned with. OK, I’m giving the devil’s sign right now, raise your hands. Good. Rock on, “dude.”
Deadstar:; Deadstar Assembly: • Pure Records: