Marilyn Musgrave gets what she deserves
A nice bag of shit:
Poop prank defended as free speech
What Weld County prosecutors see as the misuse of a rancid pile of dog feces, Kathleen Ensz’s defense attorneys see as an expression of the First Amendment.
Ensz is accused of going into her backyard in May, obtaining a piece of excrement, placing it in an unwanted political mailer and slipping in under the door of U.S. Rep. Marilyn Musgrave’s office.
Ensz’s attorneys argue that her conduct was a form of political protest that deserves protection and is as sacrosanct as Thomas Jefferson’s railing against the king of England. </i>
If you remember, Musgrave is the right wing moron who feels that gay marriage is the most important issue facing our nation. How she got reelected we’ll never know, but glad to see at least one of the poor unfortunates who has to live in her state knows what she’s full of.