Holy Nathan Lane!
Hey, remember that Batman musical from 2002? You know, the one Jim Steinman wrote all the songs for? You don’t? Oh yeah, I forgot – God exists. That’s why you don’t remember it. God exists, and He decided humanity had enough shit to deal with. Thus, He destroyed the Batman musical. Unfortunately, He forgot to destroy Jim Steinman, who is keeping the spirit of the all-singing, all-dancing Dark Knight showcase alive on his website. If you have a strong resolve, Bat-fans, click on that link and endure the following:
- “In the Land of the Pig the Butcher is King” (sung by Gotham City fat cats)
- “Catwoman’s Song” (she needs all the love she can get)
- “We’re Still the Children” (sung not by children but by grown-ups)
- “Wonderful Toys” (the Joker’s show-stopping number)
- “(Vespers) Angels Arise/Graveyard Shift” (the latter half marks Batman’s fist appearance)
Steinman, of course, is Meatloaf’s right-hand man. The Loaf apparently dug this Bat-jive; he recorded his own version of “In the Land of the Pig” for Bat Out of Hell III. Holy Friendship.