Dylan in the Movies
Feel the Pull
What a mixed bag this EP is! From the sounds of the opening two tracks, Dylan in the Movies fits nicely into the somber alt. country niche I’m always looking to fill. “August Moon,” the opener, fits the bill the best. It’s full of languidly strummed chords and mournful slide guitar and evokes it’s title sentiment perfectly. “My Only Sweet” doesn’t quite resonant as powerfully, but it still keeps the pulse of the disc flowing through the countryside. “Better Days” starts the decline; it has a decent enough arrangement, but the lyrics are a little too cloying and melodramatic to hit the mark. “Momentary Breakdown” and “Give It Up” get bogged down in inexplicable rock cliches, tired riffing and lame repitition. Taken after such a superior opening, the momentum of the EP is killed and even the return to form on the untitled bonus track does little to redeem the overall feel of this release from mediocrity.
Dylan in the Movies: http://www.dylaninthemovies.com