Kingdom Coming
Read this over the weekend:
Scary book. Reading page after page on the far right wing mindset, that would have America become a Western version of some Islamic theocracy, one where gays are exiled, women are supposed to stay and home and be “subject” to their spouse, where evolution is only a theory that “the jury is still out on”, etc. By misreading scripture, ignoring history, and mocking critical thinking, these out of the mainstream zealots have their followers believing that once this was a Christian nation, by decree of the founding fathers. Any glimmer of reality is quashed that doesn’t toe the line, and propaganda and utter falsehoods are spewed from the pulpits on Sunday, into the minds of scared, gullible sheep.
It also raises the interesting, and far too under-reported facts:
The “blue” states produce most of the GNP of this country, so they are paying for the “red”, who have the highest levels of fed money- ie, welfare.
The blue states have lower overall crime, divorce and teen pregnancy levels than do the “holier than thou” red states.
But somehow its always the more vocal right that are the “victims” in this debate, isn’t it? Explain again why we should listen to a single word these people say?