Fla airport allows homophobe to speak for them
So you’re standing in baggage claim in the Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport on Tuesday the first of May, and what comes over the public address system but anti-gay blather basically saying “a man who lies with another man as he would a woman is subject to death.” Twice.
So, being that you’re an active member of the blogosphere, you raise a stink. And yesterday, part of the mystery is solved:
Man who broadcast anti-gay rant identified
An aviation employee has told law enforcement officials he was responsible for the anti-gay message blared over the public address system at Fort Lauderdale Hollywood International Airport a week ago.The man is Jethro Monestime, 23, a skycap for Superior Aircraft Services.
Monestime said it was meant as a prank, airport officials announced at a news conference Monday morning.
It was not immediately known if Monestime would be disciplined and if so, in what way.
</em>Ok, we have some answers. We know who. And we know why- because he’s a homophobic idiot. The only question remaining- why is this person still employed? Why does this airport allow a religious fanatic to spew hatred unchecked?
Tell ya what. How’s about we contact them and ask?