Redstate: Unhinged moral cowards is where the supposed heavy thinking of the 25%-ers – you know, the folks who would gladly vote Bush “Emperor for Life” and had no problems with Sarah Palin being one skin cancer away from the Oval Office- occurs. They frequently have right wing congressmen and pundits blathering away in their basement lair, and it goes without saying that anything Obama does is swiftly, if rather clumsily belittled.
But its Editor in Chief Erick Erickson really pours on the crazy in his latest misguided missive, reprinted here in its entirety:
Is Obama Rushing Another Attack?
It is all a gamble on this question: at what point will the nation stop entertaining the proposition that it is all George Bush’s fault?
We know, because Joe Biden told us, that the Obama administration expects us to get attacked again domestically.
That’s the working M.O. of this administration: no matter what we do, we’re going to eventually get hit again. The Obama administration views the seven years after 9/11 as more a fluke than a successful strategy by George Bush to prevent domestic terror attacks.
So if the working theory is that we’re going to get hit again, what is the best response? After all, the public does credit George Bush with keeping us safe at 9/11.
The best strategy would look something like taking a band-aid off quickly. Get the pain over fast. And if an attack happens quickly enough into the new administration, they can blame Bush.
So the Obama administration is working hard to release all the memos on interrogations, change all the policies Bush implemented, and clear out the old as fast as possible. Never mind that if it were done slowly over time, our terrorist enemies might not be so incited to attack.
If your working premise is that they are going to attack anyway, get them incited quickly, get it over with, and blame Bush.
There is no other justification for so quickly making us less safe.</em>
It is pointless to mount a rational response to irrational statements- that pig doesn’t want to learn how to sing, it far prefers rolling around in its own feces- but what is striking from this rather repulsive glimpse into the right wing mind is that they truly think that the release of these memos, and the repudiation of torture is what will cause another 9/11. Only in the vacuum of their echo chamber, where only the light from Fox seems to shine, do people actually think that any of this is news to the rest of the world. In reality land, where the rest of us live, we’re all rather certain that the family of the guy with electrodes on his nuts or the bucket of water poised over his head knew that Bush’s “We do not torture” was just another lie. The people of Fallujah- the ones we didn’t slaughter (only after destroying their hospitals)- those people don’t need any further evidence to confirm what reality has already shown them.
But in the cloud cuckoo land of what’s left of the GOP, the only reason Obama aired our dirty laundry was to invoke an attack on our country early, so it could be blamed on Bush. Beyond being just plain ignorant, this shows what happens to people who embrace the lash from Daddy- their souls get twisted into something not recognizable as human. Erickson and his ilk are cowards of the lowest sort- strutting around, flightsuits filled with empty bravado, so glad to have big strong American Exceptionalism around to keep them safe- safe from the rest of the world who object to the boot of America grinding on their neck. If these whimpering masochists had the integrity to actually admit in the light what they rub themselves raw contemplating in the dark, if they were to come out and say yeah, we tortured, we committed war crimes, we invaded countries that posed us no threat simply because we can, then at least they could be said to have the strength of their convictions. But instead they strut and preen while secretly craving the yoke. They are a weak version of a man, daily demonstrating why the majority of voters find them repugnant.
As an aside, take a gander at one of the comments to this article:
With a little help from Hollywood and a willing MSM, a Democrat Administration could convince the vast majority of the population that we had just experienced a natural or man-made disaster of Biblical proportions even though nothing had actually happened. Whaddya want, an earthquake, a nuke, a bio attack from “domestic terrorists – that would be the best; a bio attack from right wing extremists. DHS could trot out their moonsuits, troops everywhere in MOPP gear, scarier ‘n Hell and you could get people to buy off on anything.