Uh, ‘cuse me?
Some nitwit, who evidently didn’t turn on a television for the last eight years, comes to this staggering bit of insight:
This nonsense was penned by one Steven D. Laib from IntellectualConservative.com. If this is conservative “intellect” in action, its no wonder they only appeal to rednecks in the deep south.
Our media alternated between fellating George Bush and just yelling “Yippee! He’s the decider!” at every odious belch of stupidity that came from his lips, never questioning the lead up to the optional wars, turning a blind eye to everything from torture to gay hookers in the press room, and this numbnuts thinks that the press is in the tank for Obama? Puleeze.
Its called “losing”. Your ilk might better get accustomed to it, because your days of standing on the sidelines of American life are just beginning. Not saying that’s a good thing, or that the press isn’t rotten to the core, but it ain’t new. Or news.