See Mystery Lights
DFA records
Electronic music meets streetwise Britpop in the electronic duo YACHT (Young Americans Challenging High Technology). The beep boop bop of retro-sounding synth sounds mixes up melodies nearly forgotten – “The After Life” seems to sample the ’60s pop anthem “Oh The Israelite,” while other sound collections might reflect neo-dopers Happy Mondays (“Ring the Bell”) or surfadelic drum circles (“It’s Boring/ You can live anywhere you want”). The disc is urgent but not persuasive, like attending a political rally for a city council seat in a city you’ve never visited. Many of the lesser punk and new wave bands have adopted this style – purposely artful and annoying. YACHT approaches being a novelty act that never comes right out and tells a joke. It’s tuneful and bouncy, and just the thing to listen to when you’re not really in a mood to hear anything.
YACHT: http://www.dfarecords • http://SeeMysteryLights.com • http://TeamYacht.com