Truth to Power

Excellent idea: Death penalty for killing civilians

The Death Penalty for Killing Innocent Civilians?

With the September 11, 2001 attacks thrust back into the news by the controversy over trying their alleged masterminds in New York City, it’s not terribly shocking to hear legislators calling for the death penalty in the killing of innocent civilians these days. But there’s one cry for capital punishment making the rounds that might pull a few people up short: A group of Afghan legislators has backed the execution of those responsible for the deaths of Afghan civilians. And the perpetrators they have in mind are American military personnel. No, these legislators are not members of some Taliban shadow government calling for death to their enemies; they are representatives sitting in the elected parliament of Afghanistan, the very government the U.S. has put in place and maintains through massive force of arms.

Certainly works for me, and if our powers that be don’t like it, then stop committing mass murder by drone.

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