CD Review – Ryan States (Generic pop from the circus?)
Strange Town
Drooling Class Records
Every heard of Steve Vansak? Most haven’t and there’s a reason for it. He, just like Ryan States does adult-alternative/pop too well. States’ debut follows the pop vein to a fault. He plays it way too safe. None of the songs are all that bad, or good. They are just there. “Planet Earth” plods along for over four minutes with States’ voice sliding up to reach the higher notes like a roller coaster before it gets to the first drop. “Better (When You’re Older)” is another mid-tempo and largely forgettable track.
States has been traveling with the Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey circus band for five years, literally living in a train car. While that certainly adds a spin to States repertoire, it doesn’t make for an enthralling listen. This album, unfortunately like Mr. Vansak, will go into the forgettable pile along with hundreds of other artists who aren’t good or bad, but just exist.