Mr. Gnome
Heave Yer Skeleton
US / THEM group
I think I saw the term “Rock Collage” somewhere around here, and that’s not a bad term for this rambling collection of earnest singing and frenzied guitar playing from the Cleveland duo of Nicole Barille (guitar/vocals) and Sam Meister (drums). Barille’s haunting vocals seem to flee in the face of the sonic assault of Meister’s drums, and their music often enough sounds angry and confused. It’s almost passive-aggressive – “Spain,” “Heave Yer Skeleton,” and “Titor” sulk and cry and won’t get dressed for days, while anger flows from the electrified “Slow Side” or “Cleveland Polka,” as they yell and threaten and throw dishes at the speakers. Behind this musical mix is the usual sort of blend of pop psychology and reworked LOTR images – ids, egos, flying horses, and vampires fill the lyrics, and while that collage is well enough constructed, it’s not clever enough to make we want to put this on my permanent play list, or recommend it for yours.
Mr. Gnome: http://www.mrgnome.com