Go ahead and take it to the Supremes
Florida judge permits healthcare challenge to go to trial
U.S. District Court Judge Roger Vinson of Pensacola said he would hear the most significant arguments to the overhaul to determine if they were constitutional. He dismissed four others. Last week, another federal judge in Michigan threw out a similar lawsuit. Vinson set a hearing for Dec. 16. The lawsuits will likely wind up before the U.S. Supreme Court.
While this country desperately needs health CARE reform- not the “let’s funnel billions to private insurance, so they can fuck us more profitably” bullshit weak tea that Obama got- mandates aren’t it. They are in no way constitutional- since when can the government force me to buy a private product? Car insurance, sure. If I choose to drive, I understand there are costs involved. If I choose not to have insurance, then charge me out the ass when I do get sick- but force me to purchase crap from Blue Cross? Nah.
Better yet, extend Medicare to all. Only folks hurt then would be…the insurance industry. Boo freakin’ hoo for them.