Straight No Chaser

CD Review – Josh Freese (drummer extraordinare gets his letter o

My New Friends


Josh Freese has been drumming professionally since he was 12 and has been on literally dozens of albums, but this five-song EP is a little different. He wrote each song for a specific person and the lyrics are directed toward that person. “See You in 2010 (for Chuck Thomas)” is lyrically like a letter directly to him, while Tom Mrzyglocki gets two tracks (“You and Me and the Tuba Tree (for Tom Mrzyglocki)” and “The Best That I Can Do (for Tom Mrzyglocki)”). The songs are your basic alt-rock with nothing that separates him from the hundreds of other alt-rock artists, but the way that he promoted the album was. He had 11 packages (ranging from $7 for the digital download to $75,000 for a month with Freese complete with trapeze lessons from Robin from Nine Inch Nails, cruise Hollywood in Danny from Tool’s Lambroghini and have Josh be a part of your band for a month, among numerous other things). The packages are a truly original way for his fans to connect, with Josh, but you’d have to be a real fan to listen to this EP more than once. There’s nothing special here.

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