Archikulture Digest

“Moonlight Magic” with Carol Stein

“Moonlight Magic” with Carol Stein

Spotlight Cabaret

October 29, 2014

Winter Park Playhouse, Winter Park FL</strong>

Part piano recital, part Mr. Science lecture, part kid friendly comedy show; Carol Stein puts up one of the most eclectic cabarets in town. Her voice is husky and mature, and she’s mastered the art of playing, singing, and joking all at the same time. With Halloween around the corner, the theme is moon influenced music including the obvious: “Shine on Harvest Moon” (the first “moon” song recoded in the U S of A!), “Moon River,” “Carolina Moon,” “ Oh, You Crazy Moon,” “It’s Only A Paper Moon,” and dozens more. When not singing and giving the de rigueur personal biography she told jokes and quizzed us on moon facts. Best joke: “How does the man in the moon get his hair cut? He gets it eclipsed.” Take the time to groan properly. The quizzes were more rewarding, you could win a Moon Pie for knowing how fast the moon travels (2200 miles per hours) or how far away it is (243 thousand miles, give or take) or whether it was made of green cheese or Gouda (Neither, nor was this an actual question). Like all WPPH cabarets, this was intimate and funny and you could hang out after to get autographs or hugs or carmel apple Snickers minis. Costumes are optional, in this play house everyone wears a costume daily.

For more information on Winter Park Playhouse, please visit

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