I Dreamed A Role
I Dreamed A Role
Directed by Jay Levy
Musical Direction by Eric Walters
Jutes Productions and G.O.A.T.
Presented at the John and Rita Lowndes Shakespeare Center
Orlando FL</strong>
Hope springs eternal, and a new theatre company is about to give the Orlando market a go. Jutes Productions teams up with the stalwarts at G.O.A.T. to put up this promising cabaret filled with an eclectic mix of show tunes, a few fabulous voices and some very odd staging. Andrew LeJeune (recently a supporting actor in “The Student Prince”) presented “Who Am I?” from “Les Miss” and a moving “If Ever I Would Leave You” from “Camelot”; another very strong performance came from Eric Fagin with his “Some Enchanted Evening” and a duet with Wyatt Glover in “Out There” from “Hunchback of Notre Dame.” Desiree Perez skipped a song but Joined Mr. LeJeune for a number from “Wicked,” and Ally Gursky opened the show with a touching “A Night Like This.” Many of the songs were started or finished in the back of the room, this was awkward if you were sitting up front. And while the show was a fund raiser for the Pulse victims, the only song that really flamed was an ensemble cover of “Go West” by the “Village People.” There were over a dozen singers involved in the show, and nearly all of them were superb. The energy was high from the opener all the way through the closing “You Can’t Stop the Beat” from “Hairspray” and I’m looking forward to first full up production this January.
For more information on Jutes please visit https://www.facebook.com/Jutes-Productions-898677870260532