Bathsheba’s Psalms, Or, A Woman of Unusual Beauty Taking A Bath
Pegasus Playlab Series
By April Ranger
Directed by Cynthia White
Starring Isabel Burnel, Shannon Burke, and Stephan Rosario
University of Central Florida
Orlando FL
There’s more than a little adultery in the Old Testament, so maybe that’s why it seems acceptable to otherwise righteous thinking people. One of the big stories in the Old testament involves King David’s (Burke) lust for his neighbor’s wife Bathsheba (Bernal). Her hubby Uriah (Rosario) is a tough warrior, and when there’s an awkward pregnancy, David sends Uriah to the front lines and THAT awkward moment is saved. There’s a moral here, but it IS one of the raunchier stories in the Good Book. And that’s the plot line here; there’s a chorus of voices enthusiastically acting out the story. Bathsheba has picked up some guitar licks, she’s do nicely at any open mic night. Uriah seems like a good guy, and Bathsheba does her best to stay true, but she’s just an unprotected woman with little defensive power to draw on. Now Burkes David is a bit of a sleaze; he comes over as a frat boy with no real parental control. There’s not much to like in him, but he does show what unbridled power can lead to. Beyond some video games and a few other anachronisms, this is the bible story I remember form Sunday school, but played out more lasciviously. If your unfamiliar with the bible, this might be an eye opener; and if you are, sorry I spoiled the ending.