Michael Patrick Welch is a Tampa writer who tries very hard. He tries to sound like Prince in the band he plays in with his sister: they’re called [FunKruze](http://www.screwmusicforever.com/music/artists/funkruze/index.html). They roll with the [Screw Music Forever](http://www.screwmusicforever.com/index.shtml) crew. He loves painting and fishing and making out with beautiful women. He’s been [published lots of places](http://www.angelfire.com/ab2/fl/index.html): [The St. Petersburg Times](http://sptimes.com/News/052500/TampaBay/Naked_truth_denied__s.shtml), [FEED](http://www.feedmag.com/re/re278_master.html), URB, Weekly Planet, [Bay Domain](http://www.baydomain.com/culture/red/index.htm), Salon. But the mass of his ideals are demonstrated in his ongoing, momentous on-line diary [Great Minds in the Commonplace](http://www.screwmusicforever.com/commonplace/).