Tall Dark Hill (March). Review by Jason Feifer.
Tall Dark Hill (March). Review by Jason Feifer.
Starting an indie label is a risky prospect. Being able to sell your stuff at an affordable price and put out all the records you want to is even tougher. So how does the eclectic and intriguing Blackbean and Placenta Tape Club label make it work? Mike Landucci reveals some of the secrets of his success to Andrew Chadwick.
Telstar Parthenon is Mathlete’s first proper full-length following two…
The Mathlete theorem states that 2 guys + a 4 track recorder = lo-fi indie pop masterpieces. Andrew Chadwick learns the new math from professors Michael Downey and Dan Marsden.
This week, Christopher Long reveals one of his most amazing vintage vinyl acquisitions: an original pressing of Aladdin Sane — the iconic 1973 slab from David Bowie. Why so amazing? He nabbed it for FREE!
Who’s Making You Feel It (Darkroom/Polydor/Capitol). Review by Danielle Holian.
Film noir meets Sci-fi horror in Evan Marlowe’s bizarre puppet film Abruptio. Phil Bailey promises you have never seen anything quite like it.
Cheerleader’s Wild Weekend, aka The Great American Girl Robbery, entered the fray in 1979 with its odd mashup of hostage drama, comedic crime caper, and good old fashioned T & A hijinks. Phil Bailey reviews the Blu-ray release.