Kid Dynamite
Kid Dynamite
Jade Tree
I was looking forward to this album a lot, and I’m happy to say it has exceeded my expectations. With two ex-Lifetime members involved, the influence is definitely there, but blend that with a Gorilla Biscuits youth crew influence, and make those edges rougher. Did I mention fast? Some of the best twenty second songs I’ve heard, while their more mid-paced songs hold their own just as well. Nineteen songs in just over twenty-seven minutes, with no sense of missing out on anything. These are great songs, some just happen to be much shorter than others. A good mix of blazing songs and songs to sing along with. I can see this being palatable to punk, hardcore, and emo kids alike. A perfect blend of melodies, catchiness, and fury. Supposedly they don’t tour much because one of them is a doctor… ? I can imagine they would be amazing live. Sigh. This is definitely a favorite. Jade Tree, 2310 Kennwynn Rd., Wilmington, DE 19810;