Ink 19 is the glass-bottom boat of the cultural press, connecting a global audience with the most exciting new music, media, and thought since 1991.
Ink 19’s mission is to guide the curious, adventurous, and completely oblivious through new realms of sound, sight, and experience. With our words and media, we spotlight the most fascinating specimens among an endless stream of new music, film, books, and art to connect readers with their latest favorite thing.
Ink 19’s writers and creators are a diverse collective of passionate volunteers sharing our varied perspectives in an environment free from editorial gatekeeping. Above all, we are humans with the power to surprise our readers in a way no algorithm can.
Ink 19 covers an incredibly diverse range of media. Since 1991, our writers have scrutinized parades of human entertainment to bring our audience intelligent critical analysis of a broad variety of artists’ works. It is genuinely our favorite pursuit. To give you an idea of our scope, stories and podcasts have covered good old rock ‘n’ roll, metal, ska, rockabilly, indie-rock, punk, all kinds of country, emo, hip hop, rap, reggae, goth, industrial, electronica, swing, noise, alt-radio, classical, and surely other musical genres. We’ve written up our takes on horror films and kung fu classics, zines and retrospectives, Shakespeare and the Orlando Fringe Festival. We’ve endured long lines and Will Call so our readers feel like they’re in the photo pit, right along with us.
We welcome emerging and established artists. Submit promotional material at reviews@ink19.com.
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- If we don’t review your material, try us again.