Music Reviews

Telegraph Melts Ilium

Telegraph Melts Ilium

Absolutely Kosher

Much too often, a couple of people or a band will try to mix “weird” and “strange” concepts into emo and/or hardcore by mixing odd pairings of instruments and playing them in a minimalistic style. Almost as often, it blows up in their face. If people don’t like it, then they can easily dismiss critics by explaining that most people just don’t “get” their art, and they go on being worshipped by their fans (I’m not mentioning any names, especially not JoA). This is why Telegraph Melts Ilium is such a breath of fresh air. Amy Domingues and Bob Massey mix amplified cello and electric guitar, with the occasional electronics and percussion. They’ve created an album that mixes that emotional feel of a cello with thought out guitar playing. No strange arrangements, unneeded extra layers, or any of the “I’m more artistic than you” ego stroking bullshit that you get with a lot of so-called “experimental” bands. At times jazzy, classical, rock and more, but always original and great. It’s also got really cool packaging.

Absolutely Kosher Records, 417 Fredrick St., San Francisco, CA 94117;

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