Inconvenience Store

Muscleus Steroidicus

Another weird one here. Not sure what the intent really is, but it’s for sure that some serious effort went into it.

Joe Muscle. Short guy, natch.

Exactly who in the hell are these people trying to impress?

I have the sneaking suspicion that it’s some guy they spend far too much time looking at in the mirror.

Weirdo red complexion and a sorta zitfaced look about them despite the fact that they’re entering middle age. Steroids. Gonna die from the shit but they’ll look good when they do. Or at least they think they’ll look good. I think they look creepy as hell. So does everybody else.

Always dress to show of those manly muscles. Look like something out of an anatomy textbook. Yeech. Funny stiff movements about them. Probably couldn’t hit a ball pitched by your grandmother from ten feet away.

Oftentimes drive ridiculous overblown BillyBob pickup trucks with no end of chrome, spoilers, fancy wheel rims, KC lights, and all the rest of it. Lotta fucking money goes into those trucks. Pity that, it could have sent some worthy child to college. Sometimes they drive Corvettes. Some day I’ll tell you about Corvette Assholes, but not now.

Probably got a pecker that’s about as big as a walnut. Steroids. Hardly ever found in the company of a female. Hmm…

Essentially no social skills. Figure it’s enough to merely look the part. They’re wrong of course.

Fuck off, asshole.

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