For 100 We Try Harder
Asian Man
San Francisco’s ee operate in the broad musical territories of Sonic Youth, Gastr del Sol and Karate, without actually sounding like any of those. Post-rock at heart, ee still defy mere categorization to explore their amazing, drawn-out compositions without needing to push innovation and curiosity up your nose. For 100 We Try Harder is a calm and beautiful album that unfolds new layers of sounds as it goes along, refusing to settle down and to take the easy way out. Check out the stunning “Promise Sleeps Under a Tree” and the soaring, gliding “Drunken Carthage” for evidence.
Obviously, crossover music is more the order of the day than something to raise a whole lot of eyebrows, but it’s still a pleasure when it’s done in such an effective and refreshing way as it’s done on here. For a genre that’s been declared dead for more years than it’s actually been around, post-rock still drags an overwhelming amount of new talents out from its sleeves. And on For 100 We Try Harder, ee prove that they are one of the most exciting names to come along in quite some time now, doing this kind of thing. This is a truly beautiful, impressively crafted album that deserves the attention of larger audience.
Asian Man Records: