The Sound of the Crowd

Bwa ha ha ha ha!

If you’re like me, you heard something out of the corner of your ear about someone actually trying to file a federal lawsuit over the Super Bowl halftime thing. If you’re also like me, you did your best to ignore it. Which I would have continued to do until I came across this and realized that the woman in question is from…

…wait for it…

Knoxville, Tennessee.

Man. Angel gets canceled and Knoxville citizens are showing themselves for the idiots that they are.

Considering I don’t have a girlfriend, this Valentine’s Day is turning out pretty good.

Hee, hee, hee…

ETA: It just gets better and better. Now I see that Michael Jackson is set to lose ownership of the Beatles catalogue. Maybe now Paul & Yoko can come to an agreement to buy it back together, as he wanted to do way back when, but they couldn’t come to terms. I’m not sure if Jackson “owns” the Harrison and Starr songs as well or just Lennon/McCartney, but if he does (for the moment), I’d like to see Harrison’s widow, Olivia, and Starr in on this too.

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