The Sound of the Crowd

More Mark on Moore, Stewart

Our friend Mark Evanier has some interesting things to say about Michael Moore in his blog today, but I’m linking more for the comments on The Daily Show, about which Mark is absolutely right. The episode he refers to was one of Jon Stewart’s finest moments.

Mark pointing out the fact that, as he put it–

“Stewart is very good at not asking guests the kind of questions for which they have stock, pre-packaged answers. As such, he occasionally gets the person on the couch to say a lot more than they ever say on so-called “real” news shows.”

–reminds me that after a recent Daily Show appearance neocon idea man Bill Kristol was clearly rattled by Stewart’s questions, and haunted by what he’d said in response. So much so he was still talking about it when interviewed by NPR’s Teri Gross a few days later.

How did Jon Stewart become the heir to Edward R. Murrow? Because, and I’m semi-serious here, that’s what he (and his crew of correspondents, writers, etc) look like to me.

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