The Sound of the Crowd

Live Reagan Funeral Blogging

MSNBC just had a bizarre glitch in it’s coverage of the Reagan funeral. In the middle of Cheyney’s speech, ghostly figures of Chris Matthews (I think) grabbing a bite to eat next to Pat Buchanan were overlaid on the vice president’s picture. As though a director had decided to mix through to them, changed his mind, and the signals got stuck in the middle.

This means nothing, but seemed so random I just had to tell you about it.

And a black man euolgizing Reagan (and I’m sorry, that can’t have been easy to find) just quoted Godspell. I wonder how Stephen Schwartz feels about that?

(Yeah, I know, it was actually a quote from the same bible verse that the Godspell song was based upon, nevertheless it sounded strange.)

Matthews and Buchanan just asserted that you could tell this was a Republican event because of the orderlieness of the crowd. As though when Carter dies there’s going to be a drunken orgy. Buchanan then redeemed himself somewhat by coming down against the idea of putting Reagan on the $10 bill, because Nancy doesn’t want it, because he loves Hamilton, and because Reagan wouldn’t have wanted it.

Twice now, two different people on MSNBC have compared Margret Thatcher to Winston Churchill. That can’t stand.

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