The Sound of the Crowd

I rest

Last time I’m gonna plug this, but I just wanted to say how much I’m still enjoying Boston Legal. So much so, in fact, that I’m going to use words I never thought I’d use in this order before:

Even Freddie Prinze Jr. was terrific in tonight’s episode.

You heard me.

Playing…wait for it…William Shatner’s son. That’s right, Buffy’s husband as the son of Kirk. He understandably seemed to be having the time of his life.

PS: For any Angel fans looking in, under the link below you’ll find a couple of observations on this new series that will only make sense to you. For the rest of you, watch an episode or two, will ya?

it struck me watching tonights episode that in a way the show is like Wolfram & Hart: The Series, only without all that hexing and black magic nonsense. And Spader’s character, in fact, is not a million miles from our beloved Lindsey (the real Lindsey, that is, not strange tatooed man).

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