The Sound of the Crowd

Oh, fuck, I hope this isn’t true

Kevin Drum has a dismaying new idea for what the most important event of the campaign has turned out to be.

This won’t mean anything to 99% of you, but: Tara just got shot all over again.

And for those of you who know my characters Annabel, Colley & Keitha, they have a few things to say about it below.


ANNABEL: No. No. Nonononono! That’s not true.


KEITHA: She read in the Washington Monthly blog that what turned the election for Bush was Massachusetts letting people like us get married.

COLLEY: Oh. Honey, that’s not true.

KEITHA: It’s not. (kisses ANNABEL) Gay marriage is nothing but good, you know that. Even if most of the country isn’t ready for it yet.

ANNABEL: But…(sniffles) maybe we just shouldn’t have pushed it this year. I mean if we’d known…

KEITHA: Hey! It is never wrong to push for the rights you deserve. And they can’t pin this on us no matter how perverse, backhanded and smarmy they are. I love you. And I am going to keep on loving you–

COLLEY: Dear god, she’s gonna sing Journey–

KEITHA: Shut up! (Pause) It’s REO Speedwagon.

COLLEY: My mistake.

KEITHA: Anyway. Annie–(taking her hand)–this is just morning after fingerpointing. We’re strong and we never give up.

ANNABEL: Strong like an Amazon?

KEITHA: Strong like an Amazon, baby.

They embrace.

COLLEY: Now could we concentrate on something important…like getting me a girl?

KEITHA: That’s my boy.

Both women put their heads on one of COLLEY’s shoulders as they sit back on the couch, trying very hard not to sink in a world that suddenly seems a whole lot smaller.

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