The Sound of the Crowd

Recommended Inauguration Day Reading

  1. Jeff Danziger’s cartoon. The rest is silence.

  1. From the WSJ via Taegan:

“Is the party best served by waging what one party strategist terms ‘total war’ against the president and his party? Or, fearing such an approach would turn off more voters than it would energize, should Democrats pick their fights more selectively?”

You know where I stand. Total war. Glory, glory, and then the men go marching out into the fray, we sing in praise of total war, and all that bit.

  1. Eric’s Altercation, in which he says:

“Fifty-nine million members of our nation do not mind that we were deliberately misled into a war that has drained our blood and treasure to create nothing but hatred and chaos; and that the very people who were at fault have been rewarded and promoted, encouraged to look for new targets to spread their hubristic malevolence. It defies all logic and truthfully, my ability to explain or even fully understand it.”

But he also passes on a truly excellent joke. Gather ye rosebuds and all that.

  1. Via AmericaBlog: Lesbian Touches Bible. Amazingly, doesn’t burst into flame.

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