Recommended Reading if you’re not terribly busy at the moment
There’s an excellent, but somewhat lengthy, article here comparing and contrasting Florida 2000 with the replay we just had here in WA.
The premise of the article, written by Ornicus (the second-greatest liberal blogger out of Seattle), is this: We had a far less troubling result because the law and the Constitution were actually followed in this case. Imagine that.
Here’s a paragraph to get you started:
“Had the legal process in Florida been allowed to proceed without interference from the federal courts, it’s clear it would have produced the only equitable solution: a manual statewide recount of all legal votes. And as we now know, that in turn would have produced a different outcome than what the nation got – namely, an illegitimate president appointed to his seat by a partisan judiciary, a violation of the vote-counting foundations of democracy itself, as well as of the separation-of-powers doctrine that makes the Constitution function.”
This story has everything, including a Republican with genuine integrity. I’ll repeat that: A Republican with genuine integrity. Y’hear that, Moya?