Sound bite
LORELAI: Okay, the rest of the rules – no talking during the movie. No exceptions during a true classic. And minimize distraction. You know, no shifting around a lot, no phone calls, nothing. No going to the bathroom. If you go, you miss the movie ‘cause we’re not pausing the movie. That’s the only way to get the flow of the thing, okay?
LUKE: Fair enough.
LORELAI: Okay. Here we go. [starts the movie]
LUKE: What’s that?
LORELAI: Okay, um. . .A: Um, no talking during the movie, and B: Don’t tell me you’ve never seen the FBI warning before.
LUKE: It’s new to me.
LORELAI: Oh, my God. You’re beyond Monk. You’re uber-Monk.
Gilmore Girls