The Sound of the Crowd

Or, to put it another way

LORELAI: There’s a cat on my doorstep.

RORY: Well, that’s better than a bun in your oven.

LORELAI: It’s just sitting there, staring at me, like he knew this moment was coming. It’s still there. Why is it still there?

RORY: Mom, it’s a stray. It’s passing through. It’s hanging out. Relax. Move away from the window and go back to bed.

LORELAI: It’s not fair. We just broke up. It just happened. I’m still young. It’s still possible that I’m gonna have a successful relationship. You don’t know. My eggs are still viable.

RORY: Are you yelling at me or the cat?

LORELAI: The cat. I think he flipped me off with his tail. I’m Babette.

RORY: Babette’s not single.

LORELAI: Whose side are you on? Circle the wagons.

RORY: Sorry.

LORELAI: Everyone knows. They can see it in my face. “She’s single again. She couldn’t make it work again. She picked the wrong guy again.” [to cat] Hey, do not lick yourself in front of me.

RORY: Mom, I need you to get a grip. You’re tired, you’re stressed out, and you’re not seeing things clearly.

LORELAI: Oh, my God!

RORY: What?

LORELAI: There are two of them. They’re not even easing me into this, those bastards. I give up. I guess I need to start collecting newspapers and magazines, find a blue bathrobe, lose my front teeth.

RORY: Well, obviously, you’ve got a busy day ahead of you, so I’m gonna let you go.

Gilmore Girls

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