Sometimes it’s nice to be ahead of the curve
You know, it could fairly be said that I’m out of touch with most Americans. I mean, I respect Bruce Springsteen and he’s a hell of a live entertainer, but I haven’t felt a need to own one of his albums since “Born In The USA” (and that, I sold long ago).
I don’t think I’ve played a video game more than once since I “broke up” with my old roommate who had a Sega Genesis and the Spider-Man game. And the whole Linkin Park, “rap-metal” genre just doesn’t do it for me, Anthrax’s collaboartion with Public Enemy notwitstanding.
All of these seem to be things that most Americans enjoy, and I’m almost completely out of the loop on.
But, when it it comes to whether the war in Iraq was justified or not…well, there I’ve got at least two-thirds of the country beat. Nice little sing-song, taunting chant for people like me and William Rivers Pitt and Howard Dean to use on people like oh, say, John Kerry and John Edwards:
We were right, and we were right early.