The long and the short of it
The long:
Digby on Lieberman actually remembering which party he’s in for once and other things, including:
If Rove is crumbling publicly, I’d love to see what’s going on behind the scenes in the White House. Social Security privatization, a Rovian pet project, is dead. The polls are showing serious weakness only 6 months into his second term. Being a lame duck for three and a half years would be excruciating, particularly with a dead albatross named Iraq around your neck. Let’s just say I don’t think they are able to “compartmentalize” very well.
The short:
Kos on the notion that liberals are killing soldiers:
American politics has reached a new low these past two three days. And given the desperation of the war cheerleaders, it’s only going to get worse. It’s the only way they can cover their spectacular failures.
The best way to tell the anti-war folks to fuck off would be to succeed. (Emphasis mine–BV) Pacify Afghanistan. Defeat the insurgency in Iraq. Destroy Al Qaida.
But that would require a level of competence utterly and completely absent in this administration. </b>