TV Party

Amazing Race – Week 6- 10.22.06

This show is getting more and more intense as it goes…. this week, I’m sitting here with butterflies waiting for someone to get across the mat first.

They are on the way to Kuwait City this week. The places they are visiting this season are at least becoming more interesting. They all seem to have the same flight, so where is the big race in that? Haha. I hate it when they do that.

The Cho’s bluffed their asses off so that the Billies could get the Fast Forward. I now love them over and over. I think that I want to have their babies. That’s an amazing thing to do on a race like this. They put themselves in risk to help the Billies, since they will get a 30 minute penalty if they don’t make it to the pitstop first. They do the Fast Forward and promptly make it first, so the battle is now for second place. The Billies made it first, and won a trip for 2 to Jamaica. I think it’s kickin’ that they thanked the Cho’s and gave them the credit for them being first. Very cool on their part that they paid respect to them. I think that they are one of the few shiesty teams on this race. Peter being the worst of the bunch.

The rest of the teams do the first task of the day and all have to climb up and over the dome on the Kuwait City Towers to retrieve a satchel full of puzzle pieces. They take it to the ground, assemble the puzzle with the additional pieces that are in a trunk and head off to the next stop. They all seem to be a little puzzled by it. (All puns intended!) They get the next clue and dash off to the Roadblock.

The task this week, is Manual or Automatic. If they chose Manual they have to fill up 10 bags of camel feed and tote them to a pallet. Sounds easy enough, but damn it’s hot, and these bags are heavy. If they chose Automatic, then they are going to use a robotic jockey to drive a camel. The Cho’s, Rob and Kimberly (he looks just like John LeGuiziamo to me), The Beauty Queens got the Manual done and over with. Peter and Sarah drove around for hours looking for the Camel Club for the Automatic, as did The Addicts. That’s another team I like, they aren’t backstabbing underhanded jerks. But doing the Automatic task was Peter and Sarah, the Addicts and the Divas.

The end result of tonight’s show was:

  1. The Billies

  1. The Beauty Queens

  1. Rob and Kimberly

  1. The Divas

  1. The Cho’s

  1. The Addicts

Last and eliminated were Peter and Sarah. I’m glad for that, because I hate him. I think if I had to watch him for one more week, I’d have thrown something through my TV. Karma is a bitch, Peter, think of that next time you try to screw over someone.

Next week, The Beauty Queens crack up a car….can’t wait for that!

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