Autumn of the Seraphs
Touch and Go
I had never listened to Pinback before this album, their fourth, Autumn of the Seraphs, so I cannot compare it to what has come before, but I can say this: it’s a gorgeous example of indie rock that dabbles in electronic elements without overloading themselves with computer effects and too much technology. They sound a bit like Beck if he exercised some restraint in the studio, or like Sebadoh’s poppy side crossed with Jane’s Addiction when they were mellow.
The band, headed up by Rob Crow and Zach Smith, have put their heads together to produce no less than a dozen perfectly hummable songs that while traditionally pop on the surface seem to hint at much deeper meaning beneath. A simple examination of the album’s title should hint at some deep, deep thinking on the part of these songwriters. I’m not a religious person, but I know that a seraph is some sort of angelic entity. Is “Autumn of the Seraphs” meant to reference a coming end for the angels? And is it significant that the band is about to head out on a large scale tour in the autumn of this year? Am I reading too much into nothing? Perhaps… or perhaps that was Crow and Smith’s intention – to confuse us all with a seemingly biblical album title to mask what lies underneath, namely, a collection of really good pop songs that have no deeper meaning other than to entertain.
Hell if I know. What I do know is that it’s hard to pick a favorite on this album, but if I must I’ll point you in the direction of “Good To Sea,” “Subbing For Eden” and “Devil You Know.”
… but if it’s quiet beauty that slowly overtakes you that you’re craving, “Walters” is the song to give you goosebumps.
Pinback: http://www.pinback.com