Music Reviews
Amplified Heat

Amplified Heat

How Do You Like The Sound Of That


Few modern bands can embody the soul and spirit of ’70s rock ‘n’ roll in a way that sounds as authentic as Amplified Heat. Dragging their dusty boots through the muck of Deep Purple and The Guess Who as much as through the psychedelic guitar ejaculations of Jimi Hendrix and Jimmy Page, this Austin, Texas trio have surpassed virtually every other modern classic rock band I’ve championed. Basing my opinion on just these 10 songs, I can easily say that I have fallen hard for this band.

Though the surface levels of music – in addition to the band’s artwork and fashion sense – are blatantly blues rock in base, a deeper listen will reveal colorings of Black Flag and The Stooges. Punk rock and blues rock are quite beautiful bedfellows, despite what some may like to think. Opening song “Tough Guy” has Hendrix-ian guitar riffage, yet vocalist/guitarist Jim Ortiz sings in a Henry Rollins manner. “She Drank the Wine” seduces me like the best Detroit blues punk imaginable, and and is it sexy!

Just when I think I’ve got this band pegged, they toss in a straight up hand clap boogie (“Moonshine”), or Cramps-nodding rockabilly groove (“What Went Wrong”). This band is four bands in one and every single one of them is at the top of their game!

Every song will blow your mind, but the title track may just be the most perfect rock songs you’ll hear this year, hands down.

Amplified Heat:

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