Archikulture Digest

Chained To Freedom

Chained To Freedom

By Alan L Bounville with Russell Taylor

Directed By Russell Taylor

Breakthrough Theatre, Winter Park</strong>

What if someone gave a Civil Rights Rally, and no one showed up? That though went through my head during this lightly attended but heartfelt show. “Chained to Freedom “was one of the Fringe shows I missed this year, but was brought in at the last minute to fill a slot from a delayed show. This one man first person monolog takes Alan Bounville from Open Gay Man to Openly Activist Gay Man. The triggering event was the murder of Ryan Skipper in 2006, the year Orlando’s murder rate peaked. The event attracted little attention, but it pushed Bounville into a journey of self discovery and self actualization. He gradually became involved in the drive for Gay Marriage and Domestic Partner Benefits at Orlando Health, a local mega hospital.

Bounville is a striking speaker, full of fire and energy. We all need a cause to believe in, and he’s taken his so much farther than most. He tells of a gradual start, telephoning non supportive family member to vote against Proposition 2, then attending rallies, speaking at rallies, marching, and eventually chaining himself to the front of the NYC Marriage Office. This piece of “Arrest Risk Civil Disobedience” galvanized him, and he’s picked up the cause at more rallies and actions. Backing him up was a jittery video projection of some of his “events” on a wrinkly screen, I hope he gets some Steady Cam support going forward. Yeah, there’s a strong Temperance Rally quality to this evening, but seeing someone fired up about injustice and willing do something about it is always inspiring.

For more information on Breakthrough Theatre, please visit

For more information on Alan Bounville and his cause, please visit</em>

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