Julia Haltigan
I like this female vocalist enough to put her on my morning commute rotation. And over my many years of covering new music, that’s a rare event. Her press agent claims she’s a “sensitive bad ass,” and rhapsodizes over her choice of motorcycles. OK, that’s the hype, you gotta have that and its clever enough. But I’m not here to count engine revs or rhapsodize over her riding leathers or helmet choices. I am here to tell you she sings with a sultry voice, compares herself to Jessica Rabbit, and brings back the New Wave memories of the Go Go’s, Berlin, and Martha and the Muffins. She also does a jazz act under the moniker Vivian Fairchild in the off-Broadway hit immersive show Sleep No More.
There’s a spacy echo in her voice. “Be with You” might be both the best or the creepiest love song I’ve ever heard, and I’m not sure I would want to sort that out. That noteworthy track leads to the very dark and hard rock “Mind Eater”. Now I’m not sure of she’s channeling past lovers, but it’s hard and dark drum work makes this an ominous yet sexy tune. All this psycho sexual confusion is the hottest thing I’ve heard in months. At this point, I think I’m safe here in my central Florida bunker, but venturing out if she’s in town might be a horror movie bad idea. By the track “Bad Habit” breathy vocals and a Pet Shop Boys slow dance arrangement just enforces my conclusion: this is a dangerous woman with a thrilling style. I hope to contact you again so, but if you don’t hear from me, well, you know why.