Robot Koch
Dreaming of Ghosts
Trees & Cyborgs
This mysterious project finds its leadership in Robot Koch, a man who prefers to present himself as a shadow. It’s a nice looking shadow, and it seems suitable to his dark and mysterious musical output. A synthesizer floats in the background, rising and falling while a chord cycles though a 2/4 rhythm and a distant woman sings: “I don’t know what’s real anymore…” The music rises, she retreats, and a never ending cycle is suggested. Tracks pass themselves off as “The First One,” “Not Real Anymore,” “Gasoline,” “Ocean Full of Stars.” The number “44 24” tags more than a few tracks but not all. No signage indicates where it’s a latitude or a lucky number, so we shrug and proceed. A heavy beat underlies “Lunarum,” yet calmness pervades this project overall. I find myself drifting as vocals slowly modulate and topics drift to and fro and peer into love, reality and other day dreams of tomorrow. Smooth, calming and engaging, this is chill music for a chill millennium.
https://dreamingghosts.bandcamp.com/; http://www.robotsdontsleep.com