Music Reviews
Hell Fire

Hell Fire

The Reckoning

Riding Easy Records

It’s metal, it’s thrash, it’s hard core, and it’s loud. Don’t tell mom—she’ll think you’re hanging out with Satan or those stoners with the weird tattoos. But this band shows the good side of metal: it’s snotty, loud, and sacrilegious, and I love it because it’s listenable.

“It Ends Tonight” lights off the fire with a hard-driving drum and guitar fusillade of sound with an actual tune right there for your humming pleasure. A short key change takes us to track two: “The Executioner.” I’m enthused but not sure why. There’s a clean drum and bass underlayment to the fire pit, and soaring guitar chords rising with the smoke. “My Time Is Done” lashes out, and I assume this is sung by the executioner, not the executed. A fine distinction sonically, but very important if you’re onstage with these guys.

Whew. That was work. Thankfully we hear something folksy with a nice breather to refresh us for the next barrage. That’s track 4, titled “Nowhere Fast.” We prepare for the vocals by Jake Nunn, he’s a guy who can sing pretty darn fast, and I do enjoy a speed metal track that I could, in principle, sing along with. Over on the side is a sharp guitar wielded by Tony Campos and some super speed drumming from Mike Smith.

This band hails from San Francisco, and while this energy can wear out an old rocker like me, these guys have the chops and a uniquely clean style for a metal band. I hope I can catch them soon—these boys might just make the big leagues.

Hell Fire

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