Music Reviews

Dave Fischoff

Winston Park

Secretly Canadian

Fischoff is barely there. Winston Park begins softly with whispers, some distant guitar notes, and a birthday celebration in the next room. Before guitar chords and organ can build to climax, static abruptly intrudes leaving the floor wide open for Fischoff’s sleepy prose. He could be in bed for all we know. He could be talking in his sleep, but listen closely and you may catch the details of close observations of the miserable sameness of day to day. You can picture Fischoff riding through the streets on the number six watching a woman fall asleep into her groceries. He sits at breakfast and each move of his family members come under close scrutiny. Grandpa’s snores can be heard down the hall. Rain drops land on the bench that Fischoff’s sitting on, and rather than run for cover he moves in for a closer look at a used condom to watch the way the water runs through the wrinkles and off onto the ground. I knew I guy in college who went insane, and while he was losing his mind he paid this much attention to details. Secretly Canadian Records, 1703 N. Maple St., Bloomington, IN 47404

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