Event Reviews

King Diamond

The Masquerade, Atlanta, GA o August 18, 2000


I was more than a little apprehensive about going to see King Diamond. His songs frighten me like a child. I expected a goth freak show, but what I got was a far cry from that. King Diamond is just that, a King at what he does, and a man that puts on a remarkable feast for the eyes and ears. For his first number, they brought out a wheelchair with the famous grandmother. A little disturbing upon first sight, but more fun than anything. He worked the crowd like a mad ringmaster in the most bizarre of circuses; leading a wall to wall audience down the road to frenzied crowd surfing and exuberant screaming. The songs are pure camp, with heavy handed rock, and possessed none of the foreboding menace you would expect. The two hours he played were like a day in the funhouse; a ride that went on as long as you wanted it to. He loved the crowd and didn’t put a show on, but gave one. King Diamond is not for the weak at heart, but he doesn’t take anyone where he’s not willing to go himself. ◼


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