Event Reviews
Tegan and Sara

Tegan and Sara

City and Colour, Girl in a Coma

Electric Factory, Philadelphia, PA • October 3, 2008

The Electric Factory was packed with a female dominated crowd anxiously awaiting to see Tegan and Sara, the singer/songwriter twins from Canada.

Tegan and Sara
Kristina Kauffman
Tegan and Sara

The first act of the night was the all girl trio Girl in a Coma, having traveled all the way from San Antonio, Texas. I’d never heard of the band, who take their name from The Smiths’ song, but quickly discovered that I was in for a treat. Nina Diaz’s strong vocals, along with the rest of the band’s energy on stage, succeeded in getting the crowd pumped up. The band had great chemistry which made for an awesome performance. I have found it rare to see an all girl rock band that I enjoy, but Girl in a Coma easily won my praises.

City and Colour
Kristina Kauffman
City and Colour

After Girl in a Coma finished, a man walked out onto the stage donning thick glasses and a red plaid shirt, holding his guitar and with his harmonica strapped to his face. This man was Dallas Green, known best as the vocalist for Alexisonfire. As a solo act he is named City and Colour, great enough a man to encompass an entire band persona! Although it was an acoustic act it was, by no means, boring. He put on a dynamite performance, and all eyes were on him alone on stage as he sang songs from his newest album, Bring Me Your Love. When he was finished the crowd looked like they were going to pass out from the excitement.

Tegan and Sara
Kristina Kauffman
Tegan and Sara

Finally, the lights darkened as Tegan and Sara were about to hit the stage. The energy in the room was intense as the two walked out waving to their fans. The crowd went crazy. In between songs we listened to Tegan and Sara tell witty stories, and at one point they played a quick cover of Rihanna’s song “Umbrella”. We even got to witness a mini drum solo from Sara. The show seemed to go on forever, as they played songs for old and newer fans alike. After a couple hours of being on stage they performed their last song, and hit, “Back in your Head.” The night ended just in time for everyone to wipe the sweat from their brows and head out into the cool Philadelphia night.

City and Colour: http://www.cityandcolour.ca • Tegan and Sara: http://www.teganandsara.com

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