Music Reviews


808 State

Don Solaris


With Utd. State 90 and Ex:El, 808 State launched the revolution that now defines modern electronic dance music. However on their third album Gorgeous, Graham Massey and Co. fell lifeless and flat. Don Solaris is 808 State’s redemption, striking early and often. M. Doughty of Soul Coughing sets a dark, creeping tone on “Bond.” Louise Rhodes is the soulful voice that contrasts with the drum ‘n bass loops that undertone “Azura.” The organic horn section featuring soprano saxophone on “Black Dartangnon” and “Joyride” seamlessly create an upbeat contemporary jazz sound when combined with keys and drum machines, a stripped down throwback to Utd. States’s “Pacific” tracks. “Balboa,” rolls breakbeats and progressive house tracks together to build, shift and morph into something that becomes near-pop. Overall a solid step forward.

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