What’s Mine Is Yours
The Emo Diaries, Chapter One
Deep Elm
What’s Mine Is Yours is a compilation of twelve bands that have courted some sort of loose association with the vague musical term “emo.” Outstanding unreleased or limited tracks from Jimmy Eat World, Camber, Race Car Riot, Lazycain, Pave The Rocket, Samiam, Rain Still Falls, Jejune, Triplefastaction, and (my favorite) Pohgoh make this a must-have. The Red Level and Only Airplanes Count tracks didn’t do anything for me, but the rest are simply great.
Different styles are represented, but this still is by no means a comprehensive guide to the rightfully undefined emo genre. It’s just a really good compilation that should suit fans of the aforementioned bands. And massive props to Deep Elm for including smaller, lesser known bands alongside the obvious choices. Deep Elm Records, P.O. Box 1965, New York, NY 10156