Lost In Space
To ensure sales, why not deluge a soundtrack about space with electronica’s future haus kingpins? Lost In Space pursues this idiom with killer asteroid velocity! Eight songs make a quick and delicious treat for those about to embark into the space between here and there. Enlisted for this time travel are Apollo Four Forty (weakest of the herd), Juno Reactor & the Creatures, The Crystal Method, Propellerheads, Fatboy Slim, Death In Vegas and Space. Presently, “Busy Child” by The Crystal Method is everywhere, but I feel “Bang On!” and “Everybody Needs A 303” (by Propellerheads and Fatboy Slim respectively) are only a nanosecond away from knocking a big fucking hole in one of the dippers. This ain’t no Cogsley Cog! http://www. dangerwillrobinson.com